William Blake stopped to ponder in his poem ‘The Tiger’ about ‘What immortal hand or eye/ Could frame thy powerful symmetry.’ Here ‘thy’ refers to the tiger, the subject of his poem and the much accepted symbol of power and might. Here are a few tiger tattoo suggestions.
A canvas or a sheet of paper is where watercolor is most practiced. This is a wonderful form of art that many seem to disregard and underestimate. When inked on a body, this form brings out the beauty and magnificence of art.

This is such a wonderful tattoo idea that not even Justin Bieber could resist it. A tiger head is a simple tattoo which can be innovated upon to a great extent.
A tiger would look best when inked in all its color The magnificent yellow is bright and energetic, much like the sun. This, when decorated with the wonderful black striped and long whiskers, would add life and charm to the tattoo.
A tiger is a very fierce animal. He should thus be tattooed in all its glory and fierceness. This aspect of the tiger could be got by inking him in a hunting or a roaring position. A tiger roaring on an isolated cliff would represent leadership and independence.

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