The whiteness of the lily's long white petals speaks of purity, innocence, and chastity. At the same time and in other cultures, the trumpet-like flower has evoked associations of erotic love and procreation. Clearly, the lily is one of the most ambiguous of all flower symbols. Christians took possession of the symbol on the basis of the Sermon on the Mount and it's "lilies of the field" passage. Consider how beautiful they grow, though "they toil not". God provides, that's the message, and the lily emerges as a symbol of faith and surrender to god's grace. Liturgically, the lily is a symbol of Easter and of Christ himself, of resurrection and immortality. It's evocative scent, the o dour of chastity.
Since the lily flower is widely used in a variety of different cultures over the ages, their symbolic meaning can differ between cultures. To find the correct meaning and association, you must trace back each individual culture. For example, in Egypt and Greece, the lily flower represented fertility. According to the Chinese, the lily flower symbolizes abundance, purity, and innocence. The lily also was a symbol of sexuality to the Greeks as well.
The lily flower is one of the most widely known and recognized flowers in the entire world. To a variety of cultures all around the world, the lily flower is very symbolic and important. The beauty of this exotic flower makes for a great tattoo design for anyone interested in the lily tattoo.

Since the lily flower is widely used in a variety of different cultures over the ages, their symbolic meaning can differ between cultures. To find the correct meaning and association, you must trace back each individual culture. For example, in Egypt and Greece, the lily flower represented fertility. According to the Chinese, the lily flower symbolizes abundance, purity, and innocence. The lily also was a symbol of sexuality to the Greeks as well.
The lily flower may be more closely linked to Christianity then any other culture in the world.According to Christians, the lily flower is a symbol of Virgin Mary. Virgin Mary was pure in the heart and the soul. The lily can represent the same thing, purity. The lily also represents innocence and chastity, all associated back to Virgin Mary.

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